Friday, January 9, 2009

Is Astral Projection Real? How to Prove it to Yourself

Astral Projection is when you are having an out of body experience; you are leaving your physical body behind to experience other realities with your astral body. After having had this experience people report an inner awakening of their spiritual identity, a transformation of their self-concept. They see themselves as more than matter - more aware and alive. Many feel being connected to something greater and connected to the source of life itself.
Skeptics claim that out of body experiences is something that is just dreams and we never leave our bodies, it's all in our head. The only way to find out the truth is to have an out of body experience yourself. Many people claims to have met each other while out of body and then validating the conversation while they were awake. There are also couples that experience astral projection together and have all sort of fantastical adventures together.
If you need to prove the experience to yourself there are certain tricks you can do. Once you have mastered astral Projection you can validate the experience for yourself. Project yourself to a friend's house and observe their daily activity. You then call then on the phone and ask them what they have been doing and if it´s accurate of what you observed.
You can also do a card experiment. Place a card on top of a tall object without looking at the card. While out of body, go directly to look at the card, concentrate and focus on that card, shout its name in your mind. Abort your projection and write down the card number on a piece of paper. You can then compare the paper to the card to see if you actually observed it accurately while you were out of your body.
Astral Projection is so much more than exploring the physical world, you can explore other realities and dimensions and finding out the answers mankind have been asking since the beginning of time. All you have to do is start practicing.
If you are curious to learn how induce an Out of body experience yourself, check out this powerful out of body tool In my opinion It´s a great aid that will greatly increase your chances to leave your body and explore what the out of body environment has to offer.
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