Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Are People Who Take Drugs like Salvia Divinorum Accessing the Astral Plane? by Laurence Franco

It depend but the altered perception is involved then to a certain degree the answer is yes. Buy that being said, one would not highly recommend it Firstly, drugs artificially stimulate and force open receptive centres in a way which can be damaging to the unprepared subtler bodies. The natural conscious opening of these centers through simple techniques is by far a much more interesting and rewarding experience. I must prefer Salvia Divinorum extract to any other natural drug such as marijuana

{I believe the 'instant gratification' that drugs can seem to provide is just a learned mental greed|Believing in the fact that drugs solve the desire for instant The primal desire to HAVE NOW far outweighs the logical practice of paitenceMany drugs have physical side effects, but all of themwould cause coordination loss the energy centres to one degree or another. {Often it is more the feeling of this imbalance and the resultingBuy Salvia extract which people are addicted to than any addictive traits to the drugs themselves (shrooms would be a further example.)

Common street drugs not only do not help you aspire Astral Projection, but will most likely create energetic conditions inside your body that can actually prevent you from projecting naturally. At least until the imbalance truly subsides.If you are a self toting pothead, you should know it is the wrose drug for remembering your dreams, expands to the limitless end of your mindpowernever to be found (though the individual effect varies.)

Other bliss-inducing brain enhancers (such as ecstasy, salvia divinorum, cocaine etc.) mayfor a while it will bring you to crating a greater state of bliss astral levels.but whatever the small time effects it creates, it is an undesirable means due to their short term and pendulum-swing nature aloneand the physical and psychic repercussions confirm this. Not without physical strategic applications to stimulate all around experienceto enhance human performance Isn't this seemingly elusive state what people reference as Joy? It is far easier to create than is generally thought of!

Hallucinogenic drugs (such as magic mushrooms, LSD,, salvia extract, salvia divinorum leaf, mixed drinks, or desert peyote. etc.) increasing the chance of going from mental to physical plane. This can be confusing, especially without experience focussing one's consciousness, and there's always the fear of a bad experience'; very unlike the vibrant and evolutionary Astral we are seeking to access. The temporary salvia divinorum trip may be a curiosity for some, enlightening for others, 

Other psychedelics like Salvia Divonorum or mushroomspurportedly resulting in dimensional journeys similar to projection. I have no wish to explore the topic here, there is plenty of information elsewhere. However, I would really like to caution against these to anyone who is inexperienced with hallucinogens such as salvia divinorum, as the immediacy and intensity of these drugs is very difficult to control. Certainly they are not to be used for escaping a negative state likemost ecstatic drugs - instead they will create vivid imagination

Experienced projectors have done their own investigations by observing those using drugs to access the These projectors almost 100% report back thelesser aspects of such methods, including various damage to physical and astral bodies. The only thing observed to temporarily counter intuitive damage to any extent is the spiritual intent of the person, as for example observed in various shamans.

Following up, there is simply no need for drugs when more stable,and more interesting and ecstatic experiences can be had through natural means. From a socialogical perspective, hallucinogens in our culture is more an indicator of the devaluation of the meaning of life, a{nd a lan emptiness of spritual common sense in the meansdesiring spritual growth and mind expansion without chemicals

When it comes to the aims of Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming to fight to keep a bad addiction alive ( is there such a thing as agreat addiction? when it's much easier (and cheaper) tolearn natural methods. as salvia divinorum extract.. if only they were far more prevalent to the salvia extract popularitywell-known (and used.) 
For more in depth interest in Salvia Divinorum extract or to buy Salvia extract there are further studies here

About the Author

Laurence Franco writes regularly about entertainment related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.

How Even A Beginner Can Astral Project by Paul White

Everyone has the ability to astral project. There are those who astral project daily and those who rarely astral project, at least intentionally - the difference between the two is practice. Astral projection is a practice with a long history, just like meditation or yoga. There are many different names which astral projection is known as and there are many different ways to astral project.

Lucid dreaming, for example. You already know what lucid dreaming is - this is when you are conscious within a dream and able to direct the course of the dream. This takes practice to do reliably, but it is as simple as saying to yourself 'I am dreaming' while you are in the middle of a dream.

With lucid dreaming, you are in control of your dreams - and actually, you are astral projecting! However, becoming an expert at this can take a little time - so it is not the best way to go for those just learning to astral project.

All of us have astral projected at some time in the past; maybe even many times, as it happens. When you awake from a dream and are able to remember every detail vividly, down to the very smallest elements, you have had an experience of astral projecting. You may have had this happen to you many times - this shows you that you can astral project!

Being able to astral project all begins with knowing that this is something that you have the ability to do. Astral projecting is an inborn ability in all of us. You need to eliminate doubt from your mind; this can be keeping you from being able to astral project when you want.

Meditation and other relaxation techniques can help you start getting ready to astral project. Meditation is probably the best way to begin; look for a meditation technique which allows you to achieve the total relaxation needed to astral project.

Do your meditation in a quiet, comfortable room where you will not be distracted as you meditate. Clear all thoughts from your mind. Eliminate all of the worries and negative thoughts and feel yourself relaxing. Focus on your breathing. Take slow, deep breaths; inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

To reach an altered state of consciousness, focus more and more on you breathing, which should be slow and deep. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, breathing deeper and slower as you become more relaxed. Concentrate on relaxing your body even more.

Work your way up from toes to head, relaxing each part of your body as you go. There are two ways that you can do this. You can visualize each part of your body relaxing as you go, telling yourself they are relaxing as you do so. You can also tense, then release each part of your body, feeling this tension leaving your body as you exhale.

With each exhalation, you should feel the tension leaving your body. Once your body is completely and totally relaxed you will be ready to move onto the next stage necessary for you to successfully astral project.

Once you are fully relaxed, you may be ready to fall asleep - don't doze off, you're almost there! Repeat a phrase to yourself to stay focused. It doesn't matter what this mantra is. Even "around the corner" can work - just choose a phrase which you can focus on and repeat it.

This works because the mind will wander when given nothing else to do and your focus and relaxation will be ruined. If you lose focus, you'll have to start all over again. Keep repeating your phrase to stay on track as you prepare to astral project.

In order to astral project, you'll need to reach an altered mental state. This can be done by simply repeating your phrase. You can also use the "body of light" technique, which many practitioners find to be helpful. In this technique, you need to visualize your body transforming into a body of light.

There are three signs to watch for that will indicate that you are beginning to astral project. One is having a sensation of motion, followed by 'seeing' light and color (even though your eyes will be closed). You will then hear voices telling you to stop or to continue - this is a sure sign that you are astral projecting.

About the Author

Paul A White is a writer for the popular http://www.astralprojectiontravel.com site. Try the incredible experience of Astral Projection for yourself and get 29 Free mp3 audios when you visit here. Being able to astral project is a natural ability anyone can enjoy!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Astral Projection Techniques Explained

Author: Shane Hatfield

What is astral projection and is astral projection techniques to help you achieve astral projection for real?

This is a question I first had over twenty years ago when I was just a teenager. While skipping study hall and browsing my school library I discovered the strangest book I had ever seen...
It was a book about astral projection that changed the course of my life and it lead me to the discovery that we as human beings are creatures unknown to ourselves. That there is a magical half to us that has been totally ignored and is waiting to awaken.
The book that I found actually described astral projection techniques that showed you how to astral travel and do astral projection.

Meaning, it taught astral projection techniques that showed how a man or woman is capable of astral traveling outside of their physical body to distant locations in the real world and other places that aren't even conceivable to your imagination. It said that the physical body we all have is just a crude outer shell of physical matter and we are much more than our physical bodies...

In fact our true selves is a body of pure energy that are capable of indescribable feats.

When I first saw the book I thought it must just be a work of fiction and that no reasonable person could believe in such peculiar talk like this. After all, the traditional teachings taught in our schools totally left this discussion out of the textbooks, not to mention something bold as learn how to astral project through easy astral projection techniques.

Historically science has regarded things that can't be weighed and measured as pure horse-puckey ...so it was of very little surprise that such a magnificent claim like this would be tossed in the trash can before it was given any real consideration at all. Any scientist who suggested spending time and resources on researching such an abstract hokey pokey topic like astral projection techniques to help you leave your body would be laughed at and probably wouldn't keep their job very long.

But regardless of science ignorance there is overwhelming evidence that astral projection (or otherwise known as out of body experiences and astral travel ) is real.

There have been millions of reports by people sharing their experiences of journeys that they had while out of body. The range of different people and circumstances where astral projection has happened either accidentally or astral projection induction is deliberately induced through the use of astral projection techniques is astounding.

The vast collective of experiences have many different origins.

Sometime astral projection happens simply as the result of lying down to take a nap while still mentally fresh. Others reported that while under times of severe stress they find themselves outside their body watching the scene unravel as if they were watching a movie. And others say that while under the influence of drugs even as common as alcohol the have the experience of floating above their bed and looking down at their body.

It come as a great surprise to most when they later discover that astral projection doesn't have to be just some random act of fate but rather it is an experience that anyone can deliberately invite into your life through the use of easy astral projection techniques.

When you become conscious outside the confines of your physical limitations and realize your true nature is as a being made of pure energy there is no limit to the adventure that your life becomes.
The impossible becomes possible and you are reborn into your true being... that is a magical being in a magical world.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/self-help-articles/astral-projection-techniques-explained-665510.html

About the Author:
Do you want to know the real secret to leave your body fast and easy? For a no fail way that will work for anyone go here Astral Projection

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Learn to Astral Project

by Lisa.C.Moore
Astral travel or astral projection is a natural process. It is the separation of the real you (your spirit body) from your actual physical body, which is what you use whilst on this earth. Astral travel is as natural as breathing. It is part of who you are, it is your birthright; every living creature astral travels. How quickly can you do it consciously depends on you; and you alone. The majority of untrained people fall asleep during the process; which is very annoying indeed, as you must leave the body before it goes to sleep to remember your travels!

Usually because of our religious teachings or upbringing we learn very little about astral travel. Therefore many people go through life not knowing anything about it. Many think their actual physical body is the one and only real you; It is not! It’s just a shell to enable your spiritual body to be on this planet.

Every night we nearly all unconsciously astral travel but there are those who cannot; and by their own fault. To understand why these certain people cannot Astral Project we must discuss a few things in more detail. People who are badly constipated, or obese will find it extremely hard to Astral Travel but those obsessed with carnal desires will find it totally impossible. They cannot because of two reasons; firstly being badly constipated or obese causes the spiritual body to be locked within the physical body, which means it cannot get released at night whilst the physical is sleeping; With this I do not joke – it is very true. Those obsessed with carnal desires will also not achieve anything as the spiritual path is not carnal. Because these people who are infatuated with carnal desires have only one thought on their minds and that make it near on impossible to focus on anything else.

So getting back on track; being able to astral travel is one thing, being able to consciously astral travel is another; which is what you want to achieve and as I have previous said ` The majority of untrained people fall asleep during the process; which is very annoying indeed, as you must leave the physical body before it goes to sleep to remember your travels.’ Conscious astral travel is our goal and it can be achieved, but you need to learn to visualise the process. Again we must digress here as many confuse visualisation with imagination. You have to go in for visualization, and visualization is not imagination. Imagination is something which can be indulged in on the imaginary basis only. No amount of imagination, for instance, would enable you to jump over a thirty-story building. You might be able to do it in your imagination and then you would be something like Superman; wouldn't you? But such a jump over a thirty-story building is beyond the laws of physical nature, so it is imagination only, and many people waste time imagining that which is completely impossible. Visualization, on the contrary, is something which is entirely possible because it is completely in keeping with normal physical laws.

So the secret – for want of a word – is to visualise the whole process, that is, you’re lying in or on your bed at night and visualise, before you fall off to sleep, that your spiritual body is looking down from above. Many at this point will not see their actual physical because they are not expecting to see it and the first time you do, you may jump right back into your physical which means you will have to try again another night. Seeing our own body can be a shock for many as it’s not like looking into a mirror. Recall when your voice was recorded and played back to you? You would have bet vast amounts of money that it wasn’t you, and so it is with the physical when you get to see it.

Another obstacle is being able to visualise. In today’s world many find visualisation very hard as much of your lives are filled with visual images, either TV, films and such like where they provide all the visual and therefore the requirement or ability to visualise anything is completely removed. So what can we do to assist this?

A simple process is to get your partner or friend to take a photo of you when you are in or on your bed. They must take the photo from above so it simulates what you would be seeing from near the ceiling as that’s where your spiritual body will be when it leaves the physical. It’s no good you taking the picture as you have to be in it. Once you can consciously astral travel you can bypass this process of floating above the physical near to the ceiling, but for now let’s assume you are starting out and therefore you WILL float above the physical and the height varies from person to person, but nevertheless it’s above the physical.

Now you don’t want to use a flash or take the photo in full daylight. Draw the curtains so that the room is slightly dimmed to a form of neutral lighting because this is how you will see everything whilst astral travelling. Digressing here again, in the astral you can see clearly even in the darkest of rooms as you are not seeing with physical eyes, but spiritual eyes. Getting back, you must be dressed or naked as you normally go to bed because everything must be as exact to aid visualisation. Now before you tuck yourself in, get the picture and focus on this image, then tuck yourself in and visualise that photo image before falling off to sleep, actually form strong thoughts that you are doing it and sooner or later you will do it. One night you will actually be above the physical looking down. It’s not going to happen over night, it can take days, weeks or even years to achieve as it’s all down to you; and you alone because we create our own stumbling blocks with doubt and fear.

When starting out you may experience a sensation of falling or swaying; that is perfectly normal. That is your true self trying to leave the physical. Sometimes when going to sleep you feel a jerk which awakens you, well that was your two bodies parting company too quickly. Again this jerk may cause you to try again on another night until you have mastered the process. Recall then you had you first bike, you probably fell off it with fright the very first time and it was many months until you could ride it without stabilising wheels and in full confidence, such is learning to astral travel, you will make small mistakes at first.

Let us assume that you have achieved this and are now looking down upon the sleeping physical. When you have finally got out of the physical, rest awhile, just keep still, you don't need to feel panic nor triumph, just rest peaceably for a few moments. Then - if you think you can stand the shock - and depending on what sort of a body you've got; gaze down on the thing you've just left. It looks all lopsided, it looks lumpy and heavy, and it looks a real untidy mess. Well, aren't you glad to get away from it for the time being? You will see the silver cord which connects both the spiritual and physical bodies. Once you are out of the physical it doesn’t matter that it’s gone to sleep. Slowly you will realise that your spiritual body is descending feet first so that you are now at the end of the bed; this is normal for beginners, advanced people only need think of where they wish to be and will project their spiritual body to that location without this process, but you are just starting out and therefore will go through all this.

If you get over excited or try and rush things at this point you can force the spiritual back into the physical, which if it does happen you won’t achieve much again that night and will have to try again another night. Again let’s assume you haven’t got over excited, or panicked having seeing your actually physical body lying prone in or upon the bed, and you are now standing at the end of the bed. So what do you do now? For the very first time it’s advisable to just browse your bedroom to get used to moving about. You are lighted than anything and move by though alone, all you need to is to think or visualise yourself moving and you will move. Speed varies to your thoughts and you can move much faster than the speed of light. Slowly move around the room looking at the places you don’t normally see, like above the wardrobe and such like places, see all the dust that has settled and try and touch it. You will discover that your hand or finger will just pass thought much like a ghost and once you are comfortable with that you can try other rooms about the house. Get used to moving about and through walls and doors, you may feel a slight tingle sensation – a bit like a very mild pins and needles sensation – when going through some solid objects as that’s normal and will soon pass once you are more adept at travelling this way. There is not need to rush it as there is no fast-track process to this.

I must point out at this point that NOTHING can harm you but fear alone. Fear is the mind killer because it stalls our advancement; and what is fear? Fear is just the unknown, something which we don’t understand yet as you don’t fear that which you understand; or do you? So remember that NOTHING can actually hurt you. Now we must assume again that you have accomplished all this and feel secure about moving about and through objects and that your fear is well under control. Now it’s time to venture outside and visit local places before setting out to far off places. The scope of possible travel is vast as you can go and see anywhere on this planet and throughout the universe because during Astral Travel, distance is no object.

A word of warning: if you think it would be great to see others in their birthday suit; think again! Only those with pure intentions can see everything, but those with idle curiosity or alternative motives cannot, it's a universal law. You may be able to break physical laws whilst on this little planet, but you cannot break universal laws regardless of who you are!

So how do you know if you are astral travelling or just dreaming? As many people do dream that they are astral travelling and don’t know it. Simple; remember that the silver cord is ALWAYS visible, colours are more VIBRANT and you can see clearly even in the very DARKEST of rooms; as if there was indirect sunlight entering that room and in fact, when you are in the REAL astral world you WILL see more colours that you can perceive within the physical.

Remember there is NOTHING that can harm you whilst within the astral plane; the silver cord CANNOT be broken - only death itself can do that – and you CANNOT be possessed whilst astral travelling. Your only worry is fear itself. Remember never to panic even if you do get a few swaying sensations trying because you CANNOT BE HURT and you can ALWAYS get back into the physical once out.

Some people have mentioned that when astral travelling; or having an out of body experience they find themselves moving though a tunnel with a bright light at the far end. This is most excellent news as that is the way home; back to the real astral world. If you ever get the chance to do this it's strongly advisable to spend some time in the astral home - remember everything you see and do - then when your time on Earth is done, you will know the way home without any delays. Within the astral plane you move by thought alone, which is much, much faster than the speed of light; and all communications are by telepathy. Don’t worry about not being able to know telepathy, when in the astral plane you can automatically do it. You WILL be greeted upon arriving in the real world and you WILL see loved ones only. Try it and you will see I am right.

In the astral there are many planes of existence; some you may visit and others you cannot because you are not spiritually evolved enough, these higher planes of existence are just bright lights and if you venture towards one you will discover you are automatically blocked. On the lower planes of existence you will see strange beings, perhaps some that may look demonic like; not that they actually are, your false teaching have cause that belief. Once in the astral plane you can perceive and understand many things which are not possible whilst stuck in the physical.

There is no secret mystery in astral travelling; it just needs confidence. It just needs the firm knowledge that you are going to do astral travel while you are fully awake. And the best way to start about it is not to imagine that you are out of the body, but to visualise that you are out of your body, visualise yourself leaving your physical body, visualise yourself gradually inching out and floating inches above the recumbent physical body. Actually visualise yourself doing it, actually form the strong thoughts that you are doing it, and sooner or later you will do it. You will find, with the greatest amazement that you are floating there looking down upon a padded, whitish-green or what ever coloured fleshy body you have. Probably it will have its mouth open; probably it will be snoring away because when you are out of the physical it doesn't matter at all if your body goes to sleep, because if you get out while the body is awake, you will remember the whole experience.

So finally, how to get back into the physical? This is achieved by either visualising yourself going back or it will happen naturally when morning comes. During astral travelling you may feel a constant tug along the silver cord, this is the physical body warning the spiritual body that something is about to happen where the physical resides, and either its morning or someone is trying to awake you.

If you get a headache when you get back into the physical that is due to a misalignment between the two bodies because you got back in too quickly, and can be easily resolved by going back to sleep for a few minutes, so that the two bodies can part and synchronise correctly. Your spiritual body oscillates at much a higher frequency than the physical does and to get back in they must be in sync; most of the time this process is automatic.

Now the bit which is going to cause much fuss and many will disagree but is very true, some people have dreams. Now frequently the dreams are rationalizations of what actually happened. The person is a doubter to start with and just would not believe the possibility of astral travel, and so as a solution to what would be a difficult problem the subconscious of the doubter cooks up a fantastic image or dream which truly is stranger than anything that could happen in real life.

Dreams, then, are either the rationalization of an astral experience or – and this is the most popular – the mindless wandering thoughts of a physical body of which the soul or astral form is far, far away - so far that no check is being kept on the mental processes of the sleeping form.

I hope this helps and you enjoy the many delights of astral travelling.

I have been interested in all things Spiritual for many years. My site is designed to help people find their own path and to assist them in their Spiritual Development. For lots of interesting articles and free ebooks, free bianural beats, free isotones then please visit the main Spiritual-Web site.

Article Source: Learn to Astral Project

Friday, January 9, 2009

Astral Projection Experiences - The Truth About Astral Travel and Psychic Sight (This is Cool!)

In this article, we are going to take a quick look at astral projection experiences. What are they....and what IS the truth about astral travel and associated paranormal phenomena? The simple truth is that ANY real study of science and spirituality reveals a whole HOST of things that we simply cannot explain in our current paradigm of understanding....and ANYONE who tries to tell you otherwise most likely has NOT fully explored the facts!
Filed Under: Astral Projection Experiences -An Overview of Data
There have been MANY remarkable experiences reported by those well versed in astral projection. Did you know that psychic extraordinaiire Alex Tanous was studied in a lab setting by MANY well respected scientists, where he not only claimed to have left his body under strict clinical settings....but was able to ACCURATELY describe events, numbers and sounds happening outside of the room in which his physical body was located? It's true...and while he's known as one of the EXCEPTIONAL cases, he's FAR from alone!
Filed Under: Psychic Spies
How about Indigo Swann, the "guinea pig" tested by the CIA and US government in Operation Stargate....and man whose psychic abilities were SO astoundingly astute that even battle hardened military brass were stupefied at things Swann reported seeing at great distances....all while sitting comfortably in a room FAR removed from the locales he described in such amazing detail! The truth is, other than complete and utter FRAUD and collusion by EVERYONE involved in these tests, there is no reasonable explanation that would properly account for these amazing skills....OTHER than EXACTLY what they appear to be: PROOF that psychic skills are REAL, and that they very well be available to ANY who choose to learn them.
(and there is NOTHING that will give you the freedom of thought, mind and spirit than learning there is FAR more to your life than meets the eye!)
Simply START by opening your mind, spirit & enhanced AWARENESS and ride the supernatural surfboard into the wild, wacky and wonderful world of the unknown. It WILL rock Your WORLD...I promise.
Who Else Wants to Experience Radical Inner Peace & Magnificent Well Being?
Read on...to discover how to develop psychic POWERS learn blissful meditation and SO much more.......quickly, easily and magically even if you are a complete novice and have no idea what you are doing!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tina_Bardo

Astral Projection Made Easy With Our Recordings!

We all have the ability to travel on the Astral Plane, but most people fail to do so, because they can not tune their brain waves into the right wavelength. We all know that it all depends on the ability of the brain. Only after years of dedicated practice is a person able to develop the ability to separate the inner body or mind from the physical body.
Controlling the brain is one of the hardest obstacles that one faces. However now it is not that much difficult. We can control our brain waves and do things previously unimagined on our first try itself. Astral Projection Tool helps us to stimulate even the most stubborn mind, without much intense mind training, or herbal product intake and no frustration.
How Is This Possible?
When two separate frequency waves were created and introduced to each ear independently, the brain reacted sharply by creating a third tone which was the difference between the two waves. This allowed the brain to directly tune into a frequency that the ear can not hear! It was concluded that a specific combination of frequencies consistently caused a shift in consciousness and many users reported a separation from the physical body.
How it Works?
To make the mind do the impossible all one needs is a set of headphones. For full effects, a person needs to lie down in a quiet location, close his eyes, and play the recording. Adjust the volume loud enough that they can hear the sounds clearly, but not loud enough to be bothered. All one needs is to focus the mind on the sound and try to keep the body relaxed. Try not to fight the feelings, but go with it.
Hari Qumar is a management graduate from a UK university and owns Begonia Infosys. He is actively involved in promoting and internet marketing in India.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hari_Qumar

Free Astral Projection Tips - How to Have an Out of Body Adventure!

There are several Astral Projection tips and techniques you can try to achieve an out of body experience. Astral projection is the act of travelling to another plane - the astral plane - by focusing on leaving your physical body behind. During this phase your consciousness and your astral body separate together from your physical body. You still have use of all your five senses as well as the senses that are used in the astral body. Most of the time, people who leave their physical body feel as if they are floating as a sense of lightness takes hold.
You can either astral project during sleep or by inducing it whilst you are awake. If you have experienced very vivid dreams while sleeping then chances are good that this was actually astral projection at work.
Is it safe?
It is very safe to astral project as often as you like. Despite some myths, nothing can enter your physical body whilst you are on the astral plane. Your body is completely safe where you left it. Your body is however at risk of sudden shock if something such as a loud noise or jolt takes place. For this reason it is vital to only astral project in a location that is quiet and free of active people.
Other Types of Projection
Other types of projection are mental projection, etheric projection, bilocation and mental projection. It is said that mental projection is the easiest method as the consciousness will focus anywhere you direct it.
The Methods
One method to astral project is to sit in a chair and relax. Start inhaling and exhaling slowly but make sure you don't fall asleep. Concentrate on your breathing and start picturing yourself about 5 feet away from yourself. Make sure you focus on this image and observe yourself from a distance. Then start moving your astral arms and feet and get in touch with your astral senses of hearing, taste, touch and smell. It won't take long until the final sense of sight is achieved, as this is often the hardest sense to engage in your astral body.
Another method to astral project is to use the easier mental projection act and then get your astral body to follow along. This is an ideal method if you are experienced with mental projection but new to astral projection.
All astral projection methods require some practice and patience as well as a lot of persistence. Some of the aspects that will determine how successful your astral projection is include focus, relaxation level, outside distractions, breathing techniques, mental imagery and practice.
There are also specific technological tools that can be used that will help you to achieve an Astral Projection much easier.
If you need more Astral Projections tips, check out this powerful Astral Projection tool. In my opinion It´s a great aid that will greatly increase your chances to experience the out of body reality.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Karl_Sewon

What is Astral Projection?

While skipping study hall and browsing my school library I discovered the strangest book I had ever seen...
The book was about astral projection. It changed the course of my life and it lead me to the discovery that we as human beings are creatures unknown to ourselves. That there is a magical half to us that has been totally ignored and is waiting to awaken.
It actually described how to do astral projection. Meaning, it taught how a man or woman is capable of traveling outside of their physical body to distant locations in the real world and other places that aren't even conceivable to your imagination. It said that the physical body we all have is just a crude outer shell of physical matter and we are much more than our physical bodies.
In fact our true selves is a body of pure energy that are capable of indescribable feats.
So in more specific terms astral projection is the ability to perceive both physical and non-physical worlds at a distant location without the use of your physical body. In short, it is the ability to experience reality through your other half or your body that is pure energy.
While astral projecting you no longer perceive the objects of this world with your crude physical senses but rather you perceive the energetic essence of the world. Perceiving things directly, as energy, can lead to amazing discoveries about the way thing really are - instead of the quick gloss that your senses leave you with.
Do you want to know the real secret to leave your body fast and easy? For a no fail way that will work for anyone go here Astral Projection
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shane_Hatfield

Is Astral Projection Real? How to Prove it to Yourself

Astral Projection is when you are having an out of body experience; you are leaving your physical body behind to experience other realities with your astral body. After having had this experience people report an inner awakening of their spiritual identity, a transformation of their self-concept. They see themselves as more than matter - more aware and alive. Many feel being connected to something greater and connected to the source of life itself.
Skeptics claim that out of body experiences is something that is just dreams and we never leave our bodies, it's all in our head. The only way to find out the truth is to have an out of body experience yourself. Many people claims to have met each other while out of body and then validating the conversation while they were awake. There are also couples that experience astral projection together and have all sort of fantastical adventures together.
If you need to prove the experience to yourself there are certain tricks you can do. Once you have mastered astral Projection you can validate the experience for yourself. Project yourself to a friend's house and observe their daily activity. You then call then on the phone and ask them what they have been doing and if it´s accurate of what you observed.
You can also do a card experiment. Place a card on top of a tall object without looking at the card. While out of body, go directly to look at the card, concentrate and focus on that card, shout its name in your mind. Abort your projection and write down the card number on a piece of paper. You can then compare the paper to the card to see if you actually observed it accurately while you were out of your body.
Astral Projection is so much more than exploring the physical world, you can explore other realities and dimensions and finding out the answers mankind have been asking since the beginning of time. All you have to do is start practicing.
If you are curious to learn how induce an Out of body experience yourself, check out this powerful out of body tool In my opinion It´s a great aid that will greatly increase your chances to leave your body and explore what the out of body environment has to offer.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Karl_Sewon