Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How Even A Beginner Can Astral Project by Paul White

Everyone has the ability to astral project. There are those who astral project daily and those who rarely astral project, at least intentionally - the difference between the two is practice. Astral projection is a practice with a long history, just like meditation or yoga. There are many different names which astral projection is known as and there are many different ways to astral project.

Lucid dreaming, for example. You already know what lucid dreaming is - this is when you are conscious within a dream and able to direct the course of the dream. This takes practice to do reliably, but it is as simple as saying to yourself 'I am dreaming' while you are in the middle of a dream.

With lucid dreaming, you are in control of your dreams - and actually, you are astral projecting! However, becoming an expert at this can take a little time - so it is not the best way to go for those just learning to astral project.

All of us have astral projected at some time in the past; maybe even many times, as it happens. When you awake from a dream and are able to remember every detail vividly, down to the very smallest elements, you have had an experience of astral projecting. You may have had this happen to you many times - this shows you that you can astral project!

Being able to astral project all begins with knowing that this is something that you have the ability to do. Astral projecting is an inborn ability in all of us. You need to eliminate doubt from your mind; this can be keeping you from being able to astral project when you want.

Meditation and other relaxation techniques can help you start getting ready to astral project. Meditation is probably the best way to begin; look for a meditation technique which allows you to achieve the total relaxation needed to astral project.

Do your meditation in a quiet, comfortable room where you will not be distracted as you meditate. Clear all thoughts from your mind. Eliminate all of the worries and negative thoughts and feel yourself relaxing. Focus on your breathing. Take slow, deep breaths; inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

To reach an altered state of consciousness, focus more and more on you breathing, which should be slow and deep. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, breathing deeper and slower as you become more relaxed. Concentrate on relaxing your body even more.

Work your way up from toes to head, relaxing each part of your body as you go. There are two ways that you can do this. You can visualize each part of your body relaxing as you go, telling yourself they are relaxing as you do so. You can also tense, then release each part of your body, feeling this tension leaving your body as you exhale.

With each exhalation, you should feel the tension leaving your body. Once your body is completely and totally relaxed you will be ready to move onto the next stage necessary for you to successfully astral project.

Once you are fully relaxed, you may be ready to fall asleep - don't doze off, you're almost there! Repeat a phrase to yourself to stay focused. It doesn't matter what this mantra is. Even "around the corner" can work - just choose a phrase which you can focus on and repeat it.

This works because the mind will wander when given nothing else to do and your focus and relaxation will be ruined. If you lose focus, you'll have to start all over again. Keep repeating your phrase to stay on track as you prepare to astral project.

In order to astral project, you'll need to reach an altered mental state. This can be done by simply repeating your phrase. You can also use the "body of light" technique, which many practitioners find to be helpful. In this technique, you need to visualize your body transforming into a body of light.

There are three signs to watch for that will indicate that you are beginning to astral project. One is having a sensation of motion, followed by 'seeing' light and color (even though your eyes will be closed). You will then hear voices telling you to stop or to continue - this is a sure sign that you are astral projecting.

About the Author

Paul A White is a writer for the popular http://www.astralprojectiontravel.com site. Try the incredible experience of Astral Projection for yourself and get 29 Free mp3 audios when you visit here. Being able to astral project is a natural ability anyone can enjoy!

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